Friday, September 2, 2011

School and a Super Shorkie

Tiger the Super Shorkie
I've never had a pet. I mean, when I was six or seven I had fish, but  forgot to take care of them so we had to get rid of them. When I was four I had butterflies, but we had to let them go because you can't keep butterflies forever, which is sad, but true. I've had these little pets, but you can't really interact or play with these pets. I've always wanted a little puppy and that's what we got. :)

A few weeks ago we went to visit my Great-Grandparents, who we don't visit often, but should because I love my family. They have a cat named Eva, who was just hanging out and then a dog, who looks more like a puppy named Nellie. Nellie is a yorkie I think and is really cute and sweet. She cuddles up with you and loves to play. She especially loves my great-grandpa.

Ever since we saw Nellie, my brothers, mom, and I wanted a puppy even more than usual. We thought about how much fun having a dog would be and my mom had been on the computer a bunch just looking at the priceless faces of the adorable puppies. Puppies cost a lot of money and we wanted one that we could afford, with the plus of dog food and stuff, but it wasn't even certain we would even be getting a puppy.

On August Tuesday the 23rd, my mom, my brothers, and I went to go to the store like normal mornings. Then we went home and my dad got home early, like right after lunch so we ate lunch and my dad told us we were all in big trouble. Then he sat us all down on the couch and we sat there. Noah kept quietly whispering stuff like he knew something we didn't and Nick was laughing  hysterically. I had a feeling we weren't getting in trouble. Then my mom said we would be getting an addition to the family, and I knew it wasn't a baby, it was puppy! A baby puppy who was only seven weeks old at the time and was a shih tzu and yorkie mix which is called a shorkie.

We went to the pet store and then at five we finally went to go pick up the adorable little puppy. When we brought him home we couldn't exactly come up with a name for him. In fact, it took us three days to name him. We all had different ideas. I liked Tiger and Graham. Graham like Grandma and Graham Cracker. Everyone liked Graham except for Nick, and Nick liked Gizmo, which my dad didn't like. Noah liked every name you suggested. Drew wanted to name him Spongebob or Yo Gabba Gabba. My mom and dad liked Desmond, which I hated. Finally my dad made us vote from a list. There were three names tied : Gizmo, Sammy, and Tiger. Finally we sent them to my dad and he said to name him Tiger. So his name is Tiger.

He's a really good little puppy, who is now eight weeks old. He has accidents sometimes, but for the most part he is very good. I love to play with him and he is adorable so his face sometimes makes you want to cry he's so cute. 

The other part of this entry says 'school'. I went to the middle school to go to get my ID and schedule and I did just that. That was really fun too, I don't have very many classes with my friends, but have them with some people I know, which is good. I can't believe I say this, but I am very happy that school is about to start! I can't wait, actually! 
Oh! And I wanted to mention (once more) that you should be daily voting for my aunt Sarah's blog - if you haven't checked it out yet - click here to read it - and if you decide you think it's awesome - click here to vote


  1. You should make a documentary, or a power point presentation, you are good at thoes. I think it would be cute. "Shork-tacular" or somthing cute like that that has Shorkie in it. I voted for Sarah's blog again, i hope she wins becuase, its good and it would be cool to say i voted for teh best blog or somthing cool like that ;)

  2. Dominic - Thanks!

    Meghann - Thanks!

  3. You're right, Tiger is so cute that he makes you want to cry! I love him :) and I will call him Smalls and Chewie in addition to Tiger because I like those names as well.

    THANKS FOR VOTING FOR ME! I find out the 16th who the winners are XOXO

  4. Sarah, there are about a million different names that we should name him. We should name him a bunch of different ones too as his middle names. Haha!

    You're so welcome! I will check to see!!

  5. I was looking for an update on school and happily read your latest blog on your puppy, Tiger !! So exciting because I did not think your parents would get a dog. He is perfect and so cute. Good luck in school & keep your great attitude. Hey, Aunt Sarah won the contest ♥ woo hoo !! Keep writing, love you xoxo
