Monday, December 20, 2010

Survivor: My top 10

Hello! I am very pleased with CBS's Survivor: Nicaragua finale last night. The winner was "Fabio" Birza. I don't like referring to him as Judson or Jud. It makes you say 'Who?' and then 'Oh yeah, Fabio.' I was so happy that Chase or Sash did NOT win. Sash got 0 votes, which is good. Chase was making me nervous when he had four votes and Fabio had four. Then when Fabio won you went, oh good it's over.

I'm just going to do a quick review of the night. Besides stupid 60 minutes running late and cutting into my Survivor time, it started good. When Fabio won the first immunity challenge, everyone was happy, especially Noah. No, Noah was even MORE happy when Fabio actually won. He screamed and went 'YES, YEAH! BOO CHASE AND SASH! GO FABIO!' But we aren't talking about Noah right now. We are talking about Survivor.

First off, Dan was totally ticked when he got voted off. Like, so ticked. He didn't even turn back to be like 'hey good luck,'. Instead at the last Jury Vote he screamed at Chase and Sash and voted for Fabio to win the final game. Next, Fabio won again, making Noah even happier, and booting Holly off the island. Holly wasn't as happy either but not as mad as Dan.

The final tribal was obvious. Fabio was going to win. He got votes from Marty, Benry, NaOnka, Purple Kelly, and Dan. My favorite this season was Alina and I really was upset when she got voted off. The only thing was that she said at the end that she wanted a 'man' to win Survivor. 'Man' I guess meaning Chase. Does she like love Chase? She never once spoke much to Chase. WHAT!? She made me confused. But good thing she is pretty. At least she tried. I watched an interview from earlier that day, her 'man' comment just came out wrong I guess.

Now from a special part, I am going to rank the Survivor seasons just like some random dude did at
The guy ranked his and I didn't exactly agree. Also if doesn't have, like the survivor thing then look it up in the search box.

Okay here we go..............................................................(Please remember you do NOT have to agree with me)
1. Survivor All-Stars (Winner Amber Brkich)
Not only was this an awesome season but it had so many great moments. First off the three tribes were great, the cast was amazing. I love Amber Brkich. On EW they put All-Stars as number 13, that's crazy. This was an amazing season. I love the challenges and the rewards are awesome! Only thing, Shii Ann.

2. Survivor Heroes V.S. Villains (Winner Sandra Diaz-Twine)
Great Season. Boston Rob v.s. Russel. Who will win? Well, sorry Boston Rob but Russel is pretty stubborn and made it WAY farther than you. Not that you didn't make it far anyway. Anyway, good season. Made me laugh. Two idols, Parvati. Good, good, good.

3. Survivor The Australian Outback (Winner Tina Wesson)
Very good season. Evil Jerri, it's all good.

4. Survivor Pearl Islands (Winner Sandra Diaz-Twine)
Well, I liked it a lot but the Outcasts just bugged me. Lillian was the worst runner-up ever and I am surprised I still remember her name. I would have liked someone else to win besides Sandra but whatever. I just don't like Lillian. My only pet peeve of the season.

5. Survivor Micronesia Fans V.S. Favorites (Winner Parvati Shallow)
I love this season.

6. Survivor Samoa (Winner Natalie White)
Ha, ha Russel.

7. Survivor Borneo (Winner Richard Hatch)
Good first season. I never was really mad at the tv except for the Sue Hawk moment. Yeah, Sue Hawk! Yeah, no she isn't so awesome.

8. Survivor Palau (Winner Tom Westman)
Stephanie is the most amazing ever! How do you live alone for a day. I would die!

Survivor: Tocantins (Winner: J.T. Thomas)
It was okay,

10. Survivor
Nicaragua ( Winner Jud "Fabio Birza)
Not many people liked it, many people liked it. It was okay to me.

So do you agree? Tell me!
Thanks for reading,
Emily :)

P.S. These were only based on the seasons I have seen. I have seen season 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21.


  1. EmmiJane,

    I am surprised that you did not bring up Jane! I did like Jane, I thought she was tough, she worked hard around camp. Chase was quiet thru the whole Survivor I thought and then he ended up in the top 3, I was surprised by that. Sash I did NOT care for at all !! NaOnka drove me crazy, she is sooooo mean.
    I liked Amber and Boston Rob !! Russell grew on me towards the end of the season and I actually wanted him to win .... lol
    I was very happy when Tina won ♥
    I agree with your Pearl Islands review.
    I did want Parvati also!
    Survivor Nicaragua was crazy, people quitting and still being able to vote on the jury, NOT FAIR !!
    Great summary of the ones you watched!
    Excited for the next Survivor !! Plus we really enjoy watching the Ponderosa! It is fun!
    Keep the blogs coming xoxo
    Love you,
    Grandma ♥
