Thursday, February 24, 2011

Survivor: Redemption Island: Best Ever?

Hello! Most of you know that my favorite show (ever) is Survivor! Well, Survivor 22 Redemption Island premiered on February 16th and I was just so excited! It was probably the best start of the season ever! I love Survivor and sometimes it's great to have really stupid people...............................

Only two episodes have premiered so far...........the first and second and to be clear, if you haven't watched Survivor yet and you watch it I consider NOT reading this because it has some spoilers coming along here:

Phillip is an idiot that makes everyone laugh............he's so stupid that it's funny. Kristina annoys me too, just because she is so frustrating to everyone else. Plus she was all annoying because she found an idol on the first day.

The whole
Redemption Island thing was kind of shaky on me at first. I mean I always get excited when someone I don't like gets voted out. Now they might come back, but I guess it's good to try something new. They probably just ran out of ideas and need something. Now I think it might be okay just not perfect since it hasn't started yet. (The redemption part)

Out of Matt and Francesca (not to be confused with Phillip's way of saying it "Fransequea") I think that both of them have a shot. Personally, I think that Francesca would be nicer to come back, but either way anything could happen.
Like I said, I wasn't thrilled about the twist, but this was such a great start. Want me to tell why? Don't answer that..................................

Phillip practically put his foot in his mouth by spilling the beans about everything within his alliance with Francesca and Kristina in the first episode. He told everyone about Kristina's idol and about wanting to vote out Rob. It was a mess and was so funny too!

You should have seen me throughout the next few months blogging about my favorite show. Not all the time though.

Thanks for reading,
Emily :)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Reading makes you Smarter

Hey Guys! Look at me! I am blogging two weeks in a row, how quirky is that? I almost never blog that frequent. By the way-please comment on my post, I only do my blog for you readers and if you don't comment how will I know you've read my blog? Oh wait-I won't!

So you may wonder why the title of this blog entry is 'Reading Makes You Smarter'. Well, it's just a fact and facts make very good blog titles believe it or not. I would like to clarify that Reading defiantly does make the brain smarter. You'll see why in a second.

The next part of this blog is where I'm going to tell you about how many great books I have read in my life. I have read the best series ever which is by the way called The mother daughter book club. Some people think it's lame, but I for one think it's amazing! The books are written well with good detail and the characters are so developed and great!

I would also like to point out that I have to write a story in school about a kingdom I make up. Well, I've come up with a kingdom named 'Writes' and yeah, it's pretty cool. It has to have laws, a coat or arms, a map, and etc. We also have to write a story to go with it. I plan on making a short one for class, and a long one for home and life. It's about a girl named Amari and she is in this world of Writes and everyday there is the setting of the best selling book of the day. But one day the whole thing gets out of hand and the evil person named Antella, takes control of the world and eventually Amari has to fix it. I think that it will be really cool because I plan on having a 'Tower 'O Books' and a 'Writing Station' in it. I think that's really awesome. Do you think so?

Tell me what you think!

Emily :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Is it February Already?

Is it February already? Really, I had no idea. And it's not just because I haven't blogged since December of last year. Would you like to catch up with me? I will just tell you the basics. (what goes on in my life right now)

It's my birthday next month. I'm sick right now and am very upset about it. How is one supposed to be happy about a birthday when she can't talk? Plus tomorrow is Valentine's Day and I am sick. I never liked Valentine's Day a bunch but I like that my mom made so many good treats. (Red Velvet Cupcakes, sugar cookies etc.)

What else is new? Near the end of January I had the stomach flu, just so you know that is not a fun road to go down. Especially not when your family all has it and you want to avoid it but obviously you can't. You just can't.

This year I have also been reminded of the starving children at my school. Did you know that 18,000 children die everyday from starvation? They get so hungry that they make themselves dirt cookies. I almost cried. DIRT COOKIES! Have you ever ate dirt cookies? Didn't think so, that's why I almost cried.

I am re-reading my favorite book series 'The Mother-Daughter Book Club' and I know my aunt wants me to read Fablehaven and I promise I will at one point but sorry! You should really read the Mother Daughter book Club it is so good!

Promise to blog more frequently,