Sunday, March 27, 2011

"Getting Down on Friday"

Hey! I kind of (just a little bit) redesigned my blog........if you guys even read my blog anymore sometimes I feel like I'm blogging to no one. No offense to those of you who read my blog, but decide that you just won't comment. A hem. I comment on Sarah's blog, but nobody does on mine. How about this, if I promise to blog more often will you comment? Okay, good.

What I wanted to discuss was Rebecca Black and her 'claim to fame' or however people get famous put it. Being compared to some people just isn't too good, Ms. Black. Rebecca released her single, 'Friday' just less that two weeks ago and was already accepted record deals and celebrities covering her hideous song to make it look a little less hideous. Just to be honest-no matter who covers it, 'Friday' will never be a good song. And I'm taking if Katy Perry or Rhinanna covered 'Friday'. Heck, Taylor Swift. It will NEVER be good. Just never.

The fourteen year old is probably loving up the fame, or hating it. Now note, she did not write the disastrous song, some cheat song writers did. Her mom did pay like 2 grand for it though. Not something to be proud of.

Anyway, the song roams around an eighth grade girl waking up on a Friday morning and having to go to school and deciding everything she is going to do that weekend. She even has a tough decision weather or not she should sit with her friends in the front seat, or the back seat. Oh no! What choice?

Oh wait.....................WHO CARES!!!!?????????!!!!!

My favorite has to be the third verse, which is the most helpful. I didn't know that yesterday was Thursday, tomorrow is Saturday, afterward comes Sunday. And most certainly I wanted a girl with a flat voice to sing it in a sketch pad social calender for me. You know, that's the best.


So you know, if you happen to be on the computer look the song up on itunes and you might come across the next big thing. Or not. Because to be truthful no one could care less about what Rebecca Black says or does.

By the way, I wonder when 'Monday' will come out.
Thanks for reading,
Emily :)


  1. Partyin', partyin'... YEAH!

    She won't go too far in her music career, don't worry. She is just eating up her 15 minutes of fame. Maybe you should sing a song about the month of March? You could talk about how it's your birthday month and about how February is before it and April comes after it ;-)

    Love you!

  2. Hey I like Aunt Sarah's suggestion ♥ Or you could sing about how awful our winter was and Spring isn't much better so far but you are so looking forward to a beautiful Summer and Fall !! You have baseball and your theater to sing about too ♥
    Love you more,

  3. Yes....sounds good! You have to give me some song lyrics though because I'm bad on the spot. Hey the third verse can be.........

    Last month was February
    This month is March
    April is next
    Then it's May
    Birthdays, Birthdays!
    Birthdays, Birthdays.

    Cause it's Mar-arch, Mar-arch
    Freezing cold in Mar-arch

    I'll think of more soon!

  4. I actually just finished it! If you want it, I can send it to you. It's very interesting. Everyone says I did a good job with it though.
