Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Aren't I exciting?

I know it's been like three weeks since I've blogged, but who says I can't? Want me to catch you up on my life? Or what I've been doing. Here we go!

  • I just recently finished Easter Break and let me say that that week goes by fast. Easter was lots of great fun though so I can't argue with that.
  • I'm trying desperately to finish Fablehaven Book One. It has been WAY to hard. Just the fact that I'm more than halfway done and feel like the book is getting thicker the more I read.
  • My class is reading the Avi book, The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle, which I recently made clear that if there was a movie about it I would play her. Not because I'm like her I can just see myself playing her. By the way- one of the best books ever!
  • Rio was a fantastic movie! I loved it and thought it was very humorous and goofy like any good animated children movie.
  • Doing homework.
  • Watching nonsense television. I. hate. it.
  • Making these lists that mean nothing to people.
  • Thinking of something to put on this list. Hmm.
  • OOH! Writing a super duper good book.
  • Listening to annoying music.
  • Hoping you'll read my blog.
  • Playing softball!
  • Please let me know you read this by commenting!
Emily :)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

We take Time for our Author............

I am not a copy cat, but I will say that I loved the whole idea of my Aunt making a list of things that people honestly don't need to know about her, but she would like to put out there. Today I am doing the same. I think I might go over her only 20 facts because well, there is a lot not to know about me.

1.) I hate every single fruit besides bananas because I'm weird like that. I also will only eat vanilla flavored yogurt. Tee hee.

2.) I watch Hannah Montana to make fun of it.

3.) I play yellow car in the car with my mom and Dad. When I went on the sixth grade field trip we were constantly playing the new and improved version that we came up with. We even played during the boring tour with India, Megan, and the whole rest of the bus.

4.) I pick my nails. My toenails, my fingernails, everything.

5.) I crack my knuckles.

6.) I can't watch movies where little girls die (or the celebrity who played them did in fact die) aka I'm trying to get at Savannah Smiles.

7.) The Color red annoys me.

8.) I am funny and rambunctious at home, but at school I am stiff as a rock.

9.) It's hard to make me laugh.

10.) I hate being left out. (but school wise, mostly am :()

11.) Love musicals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12.) Pop makes me have to use the restroom more and more.

13.) I love tertris.............:)

14.) I hate being alone! :(

15.) I have to have ocean noises on when I go to bed or else I feel like someone is breaking into the house. Oh no!

16.) I am recently obsessed with finding out people's last names and seeing if they are a-o or p-z. I also like when people have last names that are below mine, so that I don't feel like they are higher than me on the attendance sheet. Proctor is normally at the bottom. (In my class I'm number 19)

17.) From last year on I have been crazy about dressing up as little Disney stars for Halloween. Last year I was Alice, this year I plan on being Tinkerbell.

18.) Curious George makes me cry, a lot.

19.) As you can tell I hate little children movies because they make me cry.

20.) I can't watch Toy Story 3.

21.) I dream of being a teacher.

22.) I love acting..........

23.) Pizza Bread makes me happy. Even though it makes me full.


25.) In my mind I feel like everyone should mark their calenders that March 23rd is the best day of the year, no, not because Elizabeth Taylor died on my birthday.

Emily :)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Why Wicked is Better (and worse, but not really)

Welcome back to my blog. I probably DON'T need to say that at the beginning of every single blog post, but I don't really care.

The purpose of this blog post is to discuss my experience this past Wednesday on the sixth grade field trip. We had a tour of Detroit, (don't worry, we were on a bus) we went to the Hard Rock Cafe, and we went to the Fisher Theater to see Les Miserables.

The tour = Kind of Boring. 1 being the worst and 10 being the best I say the tour was a 4. There were large gaps between which the dude was speaking to us and we all had our own side conversations. I thought that the guy was kind of just talking about himself more than about Detroit. He kept saying how he went to Wayne State. And it wasn't just a random statement, he said it every five minutes. "Oh yeah, I went to Wayne State." or "I just finished at Wayne State." and "Wayne State is a very good college", which he didn't even have proof that was true. Am I right?

Hard Rock Cafe = Good, but bad. The food was alright. I got chicken tenders and fries. I ate the fries mostly. I liked the chicken a little, but it wasn't fabulous. I give Hard Rock an eight. It was fun, though. We had a great time there.

Les Miserables = Great! (to some of us) I give it a seven, because it was VERY hard to follow. Also, everyone was upset because of one (or two) inappropriate parts. I didn't actually mind, seeing as I can take these things. I won't get into detail, but some people are immature about things that REALLY happen. I liked it, though. Wicked was way better. It's actually coming back this December and I REALLY want to go see it REALLY! I saw it once, I would do ANYTHING to go see it again.

Mature and can handle Les Mis,
Emily :)