Sunday, December 18, 2011

Survivor : South Pacific Finale Predictions

My favorite (favorite, favorite) show is ending another season today and I have many predictions for tonight. By the way I'm so sorry that I haven't blogged in over a month I should blog more often!

I need to do a recap of Wednesday's episode to catch anyone who hasn't watched the season up. Ozzy's on Redemption Island, Albert scrambled to get Sophie out, Albert and Rick (you didn't know Rick was on Survivor, ha neither did I) had a bit of a blowout, Sophie wanted to get Brandon out, Coach agreed with her, Brandon won immunity, Sophie and Coach didn't know what to do, Brandon thought about giving immunity to his 'best friend' Albert because he thought that was the right thing to do, he did thinking Coach would vote out Sophie, he didn't, Brandon was voted out and is now on Redemption Island with Ozzy.

My predictions :
Redemption Island - Ozzy and Brandon have to duel out and one of them goes back into the game with Coach, Sophie, Albert, and Rick. The other is another jury member and is out of the game for good. I think that Brandon will lose and then talk about how he really played the game with honor and integrity (yeah...right) and that this game is evil. (Yes, Brandon it is Survivor) Then Ozzy will go back into the game and continue that stupid alliance with Coach, who already promised Albert to the end, Sophie to the end, and did he promise Rick to the end? I don't remember. 

Final Four (with Ozzy) - Ozzy won't scramble because he barley knows these people and will go on to win immunity. Albert will want Sophie out, Rick will probably be voted out and not understand why. Rick will vote Albert, Sophie will vote Rick, Coach = Rick, and Albert = Rick

Final Three (with Ozzy) - Now Ozzy will most likely scramble and then Sophie will win the immunity challenge. Sophie, Albert, and Coach go to the final three and Sophie or Coach wins. 

Here is what I think will happen with each person :
Brandon - Eliminated at Redemption Island; Cries (again); Goes to the jury and if Coach, Albert, and Sophie end up at the end, Brandon votes for Coach even though Coach was the one who voted him out. 

Rick - If he wins, I'll cry because he has done NOTHING, but if Brandon ends up winning, I will cry harder.

Ozzy - If Ozzy goes to the end, which he might, he wins. Jim, Keith, Dawn, Whitney, and Cochran easily vote him. Enda, probably will too and so will Rick. Does Ozzy deserve to win? No. Why? Because sure he beat almost every person that came to Redemption Island (through his 'Pleasure Dome' - Sophie), but has say we didn't have Redemption Island Ozzy would've been out and the second jury member. Redemption Island saved him, but the game is about surviving Survivor itself not surviving on Redemption Island (and if you're Ozzy with fish and all that good stuff) and surviving a duel every three days, but Redemption Island is like Ozzy's vacation (besides that he can't shower or have any food besides the fish he catches). So I think that Ozzy has a chance at winning, but doesn't deserve it, at least not to me. Ozzy would vote for Coach probably to win the million if he doesn't go to the final three.

Albert - I think that Albert might go to the final three and if he does, he loses. Nobody votes for Albert. He's done nothing at all. 

Coach - Coach has one of the best chances at winning because he has led Albert, Sophie, Rick, Brandon, and Enda to beat out the Savaii tribe. Does Coach deserve to win? No. Why? Because he's Coach. He's done nothing. The only immunity challenge he won was won that required no strength and no mental ability. So you could say that Coach has been laid back, he has, but that DOES NOT deserve to win, at all. Sorry Coach. If Coach gets voted out, he votes for Rick. Nobody knows why.

Sophie - Sophie can win. Does Sophie deserve to win? YES! Why? Because although she's been quiet she's been smart and everyone (besides Albert) kind of has made friends with Sophie, which is smart. I think that Sophie should win and if she makes it to the end, will win. If she doesn't she votes for Ozzy because Coach, Albert, Rick, and Brandon are stupid.

Final Three Possibilities - Coach, Rick, Albert; Sophie, Coach, Ozzy; Albert, Coach, Sophie; Ozzy, Coach, Rick; Brandon, Coach, Albert; Sophie, Albert, Ozzy; Rick, Albert, Sophie; Coach, Ozzy, Albert;

Who do you want to win?

Merry Christmas! I'll blog soon on the outcome!

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays,
Emily :)

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