Sunday, July 24, 2011

"The Boy Wizard!"

About fourteen years ago a book came out that changed everything. It was titled Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. A book that changed the world possibly. A book that made reading more fun, more amazing, more.....magical (pun indented). Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling made the world think of something different. I, one of those many people who was changed by the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I always wanted a letter from Hogwarts that told me I would be going there to learn wizardry. Sadly, that letter never came.

In 2007, in case you didn't do the math that's four years ago, the last book came out. It was titled Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part One.
out that changed everything. It was titled Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. A book that changed the world possibly. A book that made reading more fun, more amazing, more.....magical (pun indented). Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling made the world think of something dfferent. I, one of those many people who was changed by the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I always wanted a letter from Hogwarts that told me I would be going there to learn wizardry. Sadly, that letter never came.

In 2007, in case you didn't do the math that's four years ago, the last book came out. It was titled Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, but all that didn't matter because the movies were still going on and on. That is until July 15th 2011, when Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two was released.

In 2001, Harry Potter's first movie was released when Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) goes off to Hogwarts, a school for wizards and meets some of the best friends of his life, Ronald Weasly (Rupert Grint) and Hermione Granger (Emma Watson). Later in the series he realizes he most be the one to kill Lord You-Know-Who. The book series and movies are to be treasured forever and if anyone ever redoes them I will be so upset :(. 

Harry Potter was first introduced to me by my friends, in which I borrowed the books from, I read them all and loved them all. I was so excited to just see the last movie and it was just the most fantastic movie ever. 

The way they did this movie made me think about how great the series really is. I want this movie series and book series to go on and continue itself forever. The way they made everything look so very really real that I just loved it. The only things that bugged me were things that can forget about and talk about later, not now, though because it is just to amazing to talk about the made things that happened to the movie.

I'm very glad they split the movie into two parts. It made you really appreciate the whole entire book instead of just the little important bits and pieces. The final battle is amazing, in which Mrs. Weasly even says her famous quote, and even though it's sad, it's the way the book is supposed to be done and it makes it all the better. I loved this movie so much.

And so it is done. So the movies and books have come to an end. But we all know that J.K. Rowling is going to do something. The only thing is that all the actors (especially Daniel Radcliffe) are so amazing I can't imagine them starring in anything else. I love you, Harry Potter. 
"Yer a Wizard Harry!" Rubeus Hagrid, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

I Love Harry Potter!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Life is the Bubbles!

Hello people who actually read my blog! :) Thank you so much if you do, I work really hard on it. I was thinking about also making a blog that had like celebrity news - I'm hesitate, I might, but this is MY blog, which means this is the blog all about me not about anyone else. If I make celebrity news it will have nothing to do with me, so I prefer you to check on this blog more than a celebrity news blog. Thanks!

I haven't told you much about my upcoming play - The Story of Saving Grimridge. It's starring me and a few of my friends. I starred in the play 'Pirates of Fairytale Island' last summer and I'm doing somewhat of the same program this year too. Well, I love this play, but am a little annoyed with my cast mates. Gosh, how many people quit - let's see - like six. THREE WEEKS BEFORE THE SHOW! It's gotten very old and annoying. Come on people, if you really don't want to do the show than don't sign up in the first place!

In other news, I did a bottle drive for the play this past weekend and let me say - PEOPLE ARE RUDE! I ended up going on Saturday the 9th and a few people from the show showed up. Dominic, Meghann, Allison, Riley, Kennedy, some person Allison knew, and I. Alyssa's mom and Andrea drove the cars so we could load them up with bottles. We split into two groups - Allie, Riley, Kennedy, and the person Allie knew and Me, Dominic, and Meghann. Then eventually three groups - Allie and her friend, Riley and Kennedy, and Dominic, Meghann, and I. We all walked down the streets near Henry Ruff and politely asked people if they had bottles or cans they would be kind enough to donate them to help us raise money for our theater group. We had to say something like this "Hi, we're from Shining Stars Theater and wanted to know if you had any bottles or cans to donate to help us raise money for our theater program this summer at Henry Ruff." Most of the time we got a "I just returned all of mine yesterday" or "I JUST got back from returning mine sorry," Or we got one of two at a time. YIKES!

At one point we got to this abandoned looking house that was really creepy looking. There was a car in the driveway and I was in a good mood so I was like "Hey, look this person goes to Planet Fitness and drinks Monster! They must have lots of cans!" We rotated talking and knocking so I knocked this time and it was Dominic's turn to talk. As I knocked, I was scared that a GIANT dog came looking out the window barking and annoying us so much we were pretty freaked out. We usually stood there for about twenty seconds to see if they would answer and after that we walked away. Meghann was so scared off by the dog that she stood near the walkway and I stayed on one of the steps and Dominic was still on the porch. After twenty seconds of the crazy dog barking I was like 'Okay, we can leave now,' so I turned around just to have a scary looking lady smoking a cigarette came out and screamed at Dominic (and the Meghann and I, but mostly Dominic since he was the one standing on the porch innocently) "WE DON'T DO BOTTLE DRIVES AND WE DON'T DO CHARITY!" She paused, went back inside, and then came out with garbage and yelled, "AND NEVER COME BACK TO THIS EVER AGAIN!" 

  Terrified, we all walked away and Andrea backed up the car and was like, "Are you guys okay?" So we (quietly, she was still outside) explained what had happened. Everyone was asking us questions (Riley, Kennedy, Allie, and Allie's friend) and we told the story again and again. It was so scary so the rest of the bottle drive we were cautious for people like that. I mean the lady didn't even have a 'No Soliciting or No Solicitors' sign on her door! She just yelled at us! It was pretty scary. No more bottle drives for a while.

Check back soon!
We've got no troubles, life is the bubbles! - Sebastian the Crab, Under the Sea
Emily :)

Monday, July 4, 2011


We all know that the holiday weekends should be full of fun, fireworks, and celebration. Let me tell you about mine. Friday really didn't (or shouldn't) count because it was you know, not exactly part of the weekend. Anyway, Saturday.....

Saturday was kind of upsetting because my dad and I went to go to visit my great-grandmother in the hospital because she is very sick. We stayed there for about two hours and then my dad and I went to my grandparents house to pick up a tent and then my dad stopped at KMART to get me the CD I wanted because I went with him to the hospital. 

At KMART we also got my brothers little toys and then headed home. Unexpectedly, we were almost parked at a stop sign when a red vehicle came coming down the rode oddly and (CRASH) it jammed right into ours. It was probably the scariest thing that has ever happened to me. It was so scary. When she crashed my dad screamed and we were pushed back in the car a little bit. It was seriously terrifying. I think I cried more that day than I've cried ever. I thought we were going to die. Thank goodness, we didn't.
  With that trying to be pushed aside, my dad and I tried to make the rest of the day much better, but it just got worse. A severe thunderstorm hit and it was awful. It was also scary. Saturday had to be the worst day ever.

  Yesterday (Sunday) was the day we had our 4th of July celebration. My grandma's birthday is today so we celebrated it yesterday. It was lots of fun, we had a campfire and did fireworks and sparklers and we went swimming. It was so much better than Saturday. I'm hoping today is better too, but we still didn't get a rental car.

Happy 4th of July,
Emily :)

Friday, July 1, 2011

Blast from the Past

Hey look, I'm back for the second time this week, but get used to seeing me during the summer because I like to blog and with Harry Potter coming out and my play and vacations there is going to be some things worth blogging about. :)

So anyway, this morning I was so bored and decided to snoop through some of the old emails I had. I have them back since 2006 when I was only seven years old and I was a little bit annoying. I asked people to email me in my emails a lot and demanded chatting. Sorry those of you who had to witness my demanded of the chat. 

  As I went back I also realized that I attached a lot of pictures in my emails too. To the right is a picture of me and my aunt Sarah at her, I think twenty-sixth birthday. Or twenty-fifth I'm not sure. I found plenty of pictures and saved them to my computer. Mostly so I can most them to my blog of course.

I didn't get through all emails, of course. I kind of bribed people through my emails saying things like, 'If you email me, I'll tell you about school.' I did this a lot I saw. Also I said stuff like 'email me!' and every time someone emailed me back, I didn't know how to reply, I made a new email, so everything is out of order.

  In other news, I joined a new theater group and everyone reading this is either in the play or most likely coming to see it so yay!

  Can't wait for Harry Potter, it's going to be sad for it ending, but that's okay. I'm probably going to cry when bad things (not saying) are going to happen.

  I'll be back on The Fourth of July to tell you how my holiday weekend went. Check back soon!  

Thank you for reading comment please,
 Emily :)