Sunday, July 10, 2011

Life is the Bubbles!

Hello people who actually read my blog! :) Thank you so much if you do, I work really hard on it. I was thinking about also making a blog that had like celebrity news - I'm hesitate, I might, but this is MY blog, which means this is the blog all about me not about anyone else. If I make celebrity news it will have nothing to do with me, so I prefer you to check on this blog more than a celebrity news blog. Thanks!

I haven't told you much about my upcoming play - The Story of Saving Grimridge. It's starring me and a few of my friends. I starred in the play 'Pirates of Fairytale Island' last summer and I'm doing somewhat of the same program this year too. Well, I love this play, but am a little annoyed with my cast mates. Gosh, how many people quit - let's see - like six. THREE WEEKS BEFORE THE SHOW! It's gotten very old and annoying. Come on people, if you really don't want to do the show than don't sign up in the first place!

In other news, I did a bottle drive for the play this past weekend and let me say - PEOPLE ARE RUDE! I ended up going on Saturday the 9th and a few people from the show showed up. Dominic, Meghann, Allison, Riley, Kennedy, some person Allison knew, and I. Alyssa's mom and Andrea drove the cars so we could load them up with bottles. We split into two groups - Allie, Riley, Kennedy, and the person Allie knew and Me, Dominic, and Meghann. Then eventually three groups - Allie and her friend, Riley and Kennedy, and Dominic, Meghann, and I. We all walked down the streets near Henry Ruff and politely asked people if they had bottles or cans they would be kind enough to donate them to help us raise money for our theater group. We had to say something like this "Hi, we're from Shining Stars Theater and wanted to know if you had any bottles or cans to donate to help us raise money for our theater program this summer at Henry Ruff." Most of the time we got a "I just returned all of mine yesterday" or "I JUST got back from returning mine sorry," Or we got one of two at a time. YIKES!

At one point we got to this abandoned looking house that was really creepy looking. There was a car in the driveway and I was in a good mood so I was like "Hey, look this person goes to Planet Fitness and drinks Monster! They must have lots of cans!" We rotated talking and knocking so I knocked this time and it was Dominic's turn to talk. As I knocked, I was scared that a GIANT dog came looking out the window barking and annoying us so much we were pretty freaked out. We usually stood there for about twenty seconds to see if they would answer and after that we walked away. Meghann was so scared off by the dog that she stood near the walkway and I stayed on one of the steps and Dominic was still on the porch. After twenty seconds of the crazy dog barking I was like 'Okay, we can leave now,' so I turned around just to have a scary looking lady smoking a cigarette came out and screamed at Dominic (and the Meghann and I, but mostly Dominic since he was the one standing on the porch innocently) "WE DON'T DO BOTTLE DRIVES AND WE DON'T DO CHARITY!" She paused, went back inside, and then came out with garbage and yelled, "AND NEVER COME BACK TO THIS EVER AGAIN!" 

  Terrified, we all walked away and Andrea backed up the car and was like, "Are you guys okay?" So we (quietly, she was still outside) explained what had happened. Everyone was asking us questions (Riley, Kennedy, Allie, and Allie's friend) and we told the story again and again. It was so scary so the rest of the bottle drive we were cautious for people like that. I mean the lady didn't even have a 'No Soliciting or No Solicitors' sign on her door! She just yelled at us! It was pretty scary. No more bottle drives for a while.

Check back soon!
We've got no troubles, life is the bubbles! - Sebastian the Crab, Under the Sea
Emily :)


  1. Wow, so true people need to polite up!

    FROM YOUR FRIEND dominic

  2. I really wish people were nicer to us. We were like, just trying to be friendly. Her dog could've attacked us. She didn't even have a 'no soliciting' sign on her door so how were we supposed to know she didn't do charity? Good grief.

  3. I can't wait to see your play! Also, I don't like that you went door to door like that. Some people are awful and you never know how they are going to act :( Don't let it bother you too much, just remember that you are a better person than she will ever be!

  4. Exactly. It was so scared. Some people were really, very rude. You would think they would be nice to little kids....I guess not. Well, anyway, everything's okay now. I'm glad I won't have to do that ever again. :) Thanks for commenting.

  5. that was very terrifying. I am still in counsiling
