Monday, July 4, 2011


We all know that the holiday weekends should be full of fun, fireworks, and celebration. Let me tell you about mine. Friday really didn't (or shouldn't) count because it was you know, not exactly part of the weekend. Anyway, Saturday.....

Saturday was kind of upsetting because my dad and I went to go to visit my great-grandmother in the hospital because she is very sick. We stayed there for about two hours and then my dad and I went to my grandparents house to pick up a tent and then my dad stopped at KMART to get me the CD I wanted because I went with him to the hospital. 

At KMART we also got my brothers little toys and then headed home. Unexpectedly, we were almost parked at a stop sign when a red vehicle came coming down the rode oddly and (CRASH) it jammed right into ours. It was probably the scariest thing that has ever happened to me. It was so scary. When she crashed my dad screamed and we were pushed back in the car a little bit. It was seriously terrifying. I think I cried more that day than I've cried ever. I thought we were going to die. Thank goodness, we didn't.
  With that trying to be pushed aside, my dad and I tried to make the rest of the day much better, but it just got worse. A severe thunderstorm hit and it was awful. It was also scary. Saturday had to be the worst day ever.

  Yesterday (Sunday) was the day we had our 4th of July celebration. My grandma's birthday is today so we celebrated it yesterday. It was lots of fun, we had a campfire and did fireworks and sparklers and we went swimming. It was so much better than Saturday. I'm hoping today is better too, but we still didn't get a rental car.

Happy 4th of July,
Emily :)


  1. Crazy lady! SO glad you guys weren't hurt in that crash. It's an awful, scary experience, that's for sure.

  2. Yes, yes it was. I was so freaked out. I hate going in cars now....I hope I'll get over it.
