Friday, August 31, 2012

Walk On - The Pink Cupcakes

Team Pink Cupcakes and Grandma
My mom and aunt are such inspirational people. Just a few weeks ago, they walked in a walk to fight breast cancer. They walked 60 miles. That's a pretty great accomplishment if you ask me. 60 miles. To fight breast cancer. Not only that, but my grandma is a survivor of breast cancer. They were walking for her, and anyone else that had to go through or is being affected by this.

Cheering them on
It takes a lot of work to get prepared. You have to raise 2,300 dollars (per person) and then take lots of walks to make sure you're ready. 60 miles may sound easy, although it shouldn't sound easy because it isn't easy it's 60 miles, but it's not. Walking about 20 miles a day is tough. I didn't do it, but my mom and aunt did, so that means they're the amazing people, but it sure looked tough. 

After raising the money and getting prepared, my mom and my aunt and everyone went to the opening ceremonies. It was such a great and inspirational thing. You just got so inspired and I think it got the walkers really motivated to walk. Then the walkers went and began their walk and we got to cheer them on.
Walking to the Finish

As they were walking, you got to go to cheering stations and cheer the walkers on. We went to almost every cheering station, and every time I saw my mom and aunt I was so proud. 

60 miles. 3 days. Done.
My aunt ended up hurting her leg and couldn't walk on Day 3, the last 20 miles. We were super proud of her anyway because even just walking almost 50 miles is inspirational and amazing. They both finished the walk together and I could not be more proud of them. It was so amazing to see what the walkers accomplished. 

The closing ceremonies were amazing too, and it really inspired me to want to do the walk for my grandma, who beat breast cancer. I am so proud of my mom, my aunt, my grandma and all the walkers.

Go Pink Cupcakes!
Emily :)

Friday, August 24, 2012

Plays - A Fortune of Friendship

My wonderful summer theater group was back and at it again and on August 4th we put on another amazing play. The cast was aged 9-13.This time we left fantasy and magic behind for a story about a rundown town overcoming the power, while making sure never to forget the importance of friendship.

Shining Stars Theater
The story followed Skid Row, a rundown town where nobody was rich, but nobody was quite miserable. The show opened with Old Lady Jenkins (Brianna Fuchs), the caretaker and lovable old lady of the town making sure that Finn (Lucas Stoddart), the newspaper sales boy on Skid Row started to work. Then we all sang a song that expressed how poor we all were. Then you met Julia (Emily Proctor), a waitress at Kathy's Restaurant who has dreams of going to Broadway and being a singer, and Kathy (Riley Klauza), Julia's best friend and owner of Kathy's who just wants more costumers. Then terrible strikes as Dorinda McGready (Meghann Butchart) and her son Danny (Dominic Tomasi), who befriends Julia, move into down with Dorinda playing to ruin the town so she can make money. The town along with a sassy, conceited singer, Lola LaRain (Bethany Stoddart), Dorinda's maid, Mary Ann (Arianna Sawyer), a homeless, but spunky kid, Trixie (Kennedy Klauza), a newspaper reporter, Marissa Watson (Amanda Pomorski), and a hotdog cart owner, Jessie (Alyssa Griglio)  must overcome Dorinda's power, while trying not to lose each other and friendships that are worth more than what money can buy.
Kathy's Restaurant Singing Contest Scene

This play took a lot of hard work. We worked so hard to make this play what it was. We sang our hearts out and danced like crazy and we made the story look so amazing. The cast was even more amazing. We made friendships and memories and I love Summer Theater. So, so much. 

Kathy and Trixie's Guitar Solo
Sometimes all it takes to find the perfect cast is a bunch of outgoing people ready to go one summer day. You work hard, make new friends, all while performing with them and turning a great scirpt into an amazing show. I'm so proud of everyone in the cast. 

"I've come for the rent," - Dorinda
The tracks in this play were super fun too. The play started with 'Downtown' a song about working hard and being poor on Skid Row. And ended with 'Don't Stop Believin' again. We did 'Don't Stop Believin' in the scene where we have the singing contest.

Downtown, Money Money Money, Diamond's are a Girl's Best Friend, Don't Stop Believin', Yellow, Anything You Can Do, Easy Street, I'll Be There For You, Seize the Day, Pricetag, Don't Stop Believin'. I love Shining Stars Theater and I hope I can do it again next year!

Go Shining Stars!
Emily :)

Friday, June 29, 2012

Wish You Were Eyre, literally!!

One of my most favorite books series' is coming to an end soon with it's last book, 'Wish You Were Eyre'. The book series it belongs to is 'The Mother Daughter Book Club'. I call them my 'happy books' because when you read them you can't help but feeling happy. In each book, the book club reads a new book (or book series) and experiences the same problems or alike things with them and the books. 

The book club consists of four girls in the first book and five in the second through sixth (that I know of, hahaha). Emma Hawthorne, an avid reader who is quiet and has dreams of being a writer. Jess Delaney, a shy farmgirl who is a great singer and animal lover. Megan Wong, an aspiring fashion designer with more than she could ask for. Cassidy Sloane, a redheaded tomboy who lives on the ice playing hockey and isn't a big reader. And Becca Chadwick, a mean (at first) girl who is always reapplying lip gloss and keeping her eye on her crush, Zach Norton. 

The books are amazing. I'm so sad that they're coming to an end. I don't want to spoil anything so I won't put details from the other books because I want others to read them. I even got my best friend into them. She was borrowing them from me like crazy. I also find myself a lot like Jess, who is my favorite character.

The sixth book is supposed to be about Megan going to Paris, France and the girls reading 'Jane Eyre'. The author, Heather Vogel Frederick, gave readers a 'sneak peek' of the book. I read it and wanted to read the entire thing so bad. I think any readers who want to read a book series that will just make you feel good should read this. 

'Wish You Were Eyre' is a funny way of saying 'Wish You Were Here' and I put literally because I want the book to come so bad! So in the meantime, go read the other ones and get caught up! What's your favorite book series? Comment!

Emily :)


Friday, June 1, 2012

A Friendship of Some Sorts

Besties Forever :)
It's days like today when I know someone needs me. Not to think about myself because someone else might need me to be there for them. I'm always there for my best friend. No matter what. And I know when she needs me most. When she is upset and needs someone to talk to. I'm here for her.

The one sitting next to me in that picture is my best friend. Her name is Juliet. She's on pom, she loves to read, and we have a problem when it comes to over-obsessing about "The Hunger Games". Today she texted me and said she was mad. She has pom three days a week for three hours (long, huh?) so I couldn't really do much than text her before she went off to pom. Anyway, I told her to call me after her practice. I want to be there for my best friend. Okay, this blog post seems kind of sad right now because I'm talking about how I need to be there for her when she's mad and what not so I thought maybe I could share some crazy things about my best friend and I, and what I love most about my bestest friend in the world.
The book Jules is holding is our book :)

Some crazy things about us ~

We are obsessed with "The Hunger Games". Every time we have a sleepover we have to watch "Hunger Games" cast interviews and what not. We wrote a book. We made each other friendship books. We're writing each other books. We are writing another book (we like books...did you notice?). We always take pictures of us smiling on the bus. We can talk at the same time and say the same's creepy. We had a fight to the death in my house and she killed me. We are fantastically smart.

Honor Society!!
Now, what do I love about my best friend? Many things. 

Juliet is always there for me when I'm sad. She's very funny. She says she's mean, but I know she's not. She is addicted to Pinterest, and it makes me laugh. The fact that she always tells me why she's upset, she trusts me. That we're like sisters. When she needs me I'm there, but when I need her she's especially there. That we're besties, and that's all there is to it :)

I'm here for you, Jules :) "He was in a dance off and he was winning!" And always remember AACK! Hunger Games crazy best friends!! Hope this cheered you up, Juliet. And I hope it made everyone else think about their best friend. Who's your best friend? Comment!

Emily :)

Friday, May 18, 2012

If This (book) Were a Movie...

As you know, I love to read. A lot. So I was thinking about my favorite book and how if they were ever turned into a movie what characters I would play. Now, I love acting as well, so I would love to actually play these characters if in fact they were turned into movies. Some, however, were already turned into movies so I can't play them. 

Jess Delaney (TMDB) : In the this picture (left) is one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE BOOKS : The mother Daughter Book Club. From the first time I read this book, I knew that I should play Jess. I had something in common with all of the girls, but I felt like if this were ever turned into a movie, I would get the role of Jess. Not only am I just like her, I also kind of look like her and think I could play her well.  

Primrose & Katniss Everdeen (THG) : I know, I know. THIS IS ALREADY A MOVIE!! Whatever. I think that if it WASN'T already a movie, I could play Katniss's little sister, Prim pretty well. I think I could scream and fight away Gale like Prim. I put Katniss too because if I were older I would definitely audition for Katniss. I would love to play her. 

Carina Jurgensen (The Daughters) : Carina from The Daughters is kind of sassy and fun and the type to say what's on her mind. I would like to play her in a movie of "The Daughters" (the book in which irritated me greatly) because I think it would be fun because I'm not really like her. Even though I didn't like the book, Carina was my favorite character. She made the book kind of real. Hudson was fake, Lizzie was fake, everything else about the book was fake. (I didn't really like that book...)

Hermione Granger (Harry Potter) : I know, again. HARRY POTTER HAS ALREADY BEEN MADE INTO LIKE, EIGHT MOVIES!! Yeah, I know this, but if given the chance to play anyone in Harry Potter I would play Hermione. I think it would be amazing to be part of the Harry Potter experience. 
Of course there are many more characters that if turned into a movie I would defiantly want to play. Who knows? Maybe someone will have read this and considered me for the role as Jess or Carina (The two books that haven't been turned into movies yet that I know of). There are more books I could have put, but I don't want to bore you anymore with my dreams of acting as book characters. Anyway, what's your favorite book and who would you play?(:

Comment your answers!!

By the way, Kim ended up winning Survivor, my predictions were correct!! 

Emily :)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Some Survivor Predictions and Such

As you know, my FAVORITE show of all time is Survivor. Last season before the season finale I filled you in on my thoughts and predictions of winner. Today, this season "Survivor : One World" is coming to an end, so I thought I would do the same.

This season has been interesting...and by interesting I mean that we were behind in watching it for most of the season so I couldn't really watch it all spread out week by week and whatnot. Instead, impatient me got out of hand and just looked up who got voted out without actually watching the episodes. I did, however, watch the last like, four in the last week, but I already knew who got voted out. So, what just happened on this last episode of Survivor? I'll walk you though it (:

The last episode should have been called "Tarzan's Last Scramble" because it literally was a scramble for him to all of a sudden start playing the game. Really? I mean, they did spare him an extra few days after getting rid of Kat, who I watched her Ponderosa video (SHE CRIED THE ENTIRE TIME, or at least it seemed like it.). Anyway, he now starts to play the game and is busy explaining to both Alicia and Kim that he wants and can take them to the final three or convince the jury to vote for them. May I add, he told them separately too!! So now Kim is 'keeping her options open', when it is clear she can't vote out Chelsea but claims she 'will if it will get her farther in the game'. Alicia on the other hand is all like 'Yup, okay, I'm with ya, I'm Alicia hahaha'.

So at the reward challenge when Chelsea one she got to choose two people to go with her. She chose Sabrina as one of her choices, which no one was upset with because she doesn't really go on rewards and then she chose Kim. Who doesn't choose Kim? It was predictable. But of course Alicia has to get all upset that Chelsea didn't choose Tarzan or Christina and therefore declared Chelsea as the next to go and after Alicia won the immunity challenge she compared notes with Kim, and they discovered that Tarzan had been playing both of them. They voted out Tarzan and now five women are left in the final five. Kim, Chelsea, Sabrina, Alicia, and Christina. 

My Predictions for each player :

Kim :  If Kim doesn't win, then I would laugh. This game is Kim's game. She's been playing everyone! Even Alicia finally fell for it and is now listening to everything she says. I think that if Alicia, Sabrina, and Chelsea don't try and all of a sudden go 'Wait, we should vote out Kim' she will win the game.

Chelsea : I actually think Chelsea could win if she makes the right decisions. If it were her, Alicia, and Christina in the finals she would win. If she is with Sabrina and Kim she doesn't stand much of a chance. I'm rooting for Chelsea and Kim, but because Kim has this whole game played out I'd like to see Chelsea win.

Sabrina : I know that if Kim and Sabrina are in the final three together Sabrina will win. The jury doesn't have much of a reason to be mad at her, but they do Kim. Maybe FINALLY they will realize that although Chelsea and Kim voted them out, they played great games and Sabrina didn't do much. However, if at the final three Sabrina could talk about Kim's betrayal enough to where the jury doesn't vote Kim.

Alicia : If Alicia wins, blah. Alicia is just plain rude and the fact that she thinks she's all on Kim's side is a joke to me. I see that Kim wants to go to the end with someone who won't win (cough, cough Alicia), but she's had Sabrina and Chelsea with her the whole time and now Alicia thinks she has a shot at winning. Even if Alicia went to the end by herself she wouldn't win. If you could only vote for Alicia, she wouldn't win. She just wouldn't.

Christina : Clueless, Christina. Christina is just there now. She's just there. She doesn't serve much of a purpose there, but odds are she will probably go to the end because no one will vote for her. She hasn't really even played the game. I think Christina will go to the end because of this and probably will go with Alicia too because no one will vote for her either.

Final Three Possibilities : Kim, Chelsea Sabrina Kim Alicia Christina Chelsea Alicia Christina Kim Chelsea Alicia Kim Chelsea Christina Kim Sabrina Alicia Kim Christina Sabrina Alicia Sabrina Christina Chelsea Alicia Sabrina Chelsea Sabrina Christina

Who do you want to win? Comment your predictions too!!(:

I'll blog the outcome soon!!

Happy Mother's Day(:

Emily :)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Proctor Games and books!!

The Proctor Games Cake
Hi!! Okay, I know I haven't blogged in like, forever, but the point is I'm blogging now so be happy!! In the past few months I've been doing things with my writing career-type-thingy (I know, I call myself an 'author' and I can't even sound at all professional). I'm writing SEVERAL books write now so I'm kind of busy. 

I'm also busy obsessing over The Hunger Games. Today Meghann, Juliet, and I all wore our 'Peeta shirts' (if you haven't read THG yet Peeta Mellark is probably the most AMAZING person, I mean book character, ever. He is a tribute in the 74th annual Hunger Games and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah look at me get WAY off topic.) You can also see on the side over there is a cake that was made for me and my friends for our first annual 'Proctor Games', amazing right? My mom made it and my Aunt Sarah decorated it and made it look all amazing like that!! I'm so thankful for it!! If you couldn't tell we're a little obsessed with this book series/movie? 
(right to left, back to front) Meghann, Julia, Me, Juliet

In honor of those "Hunger Games" we had our own, "Proctor Games", my party my last name, get it? Okay, so anyway we had a reaping, chariot rides, interviews in which some of the silliest questions were asked and a fight to the, uh, battle to see who can pretty much hide the longest in the arena. I didn't win...I came in second, but if you read the books you pretty much know your fate at this point. Juliet (aka my bestest friend) ended up winning, we all knew she would win, but you know, you can try to fight. Anyway, Meghann was out first for fighting with my brother (who wasn't even playing...) for a water bottle at the Cornucopia and Julia "died" second because Juliet, our fellow career, slashed her head off with a play sword after Meghann was gone and while they were trying to find me, but I was sneaky. Lastly, Juliet ended up finding me and I had my big, long dramatic death scene and she won. It was so much fun. I can't wait for the second annual games. Haha.

Chariot Rides!!
  Anyway, what else have I been doing besides being a Hunger Games crazed person and creating really fun inside jokes with my friends (OMIGOD OMIGOD YOU GUYS!!)? I've been watching my FAVORITE TV show "Survivor" (which by the way, tomorrow I'll have a blog post about my predictions of the finale). I've also been reading, well, actually I've been slacking at reading. I mean, after you read 'The Hunger Games' you can't really read much of anything. I've also been writing and stuff but I haven't gotten into anything. Soooo what have you been doing? And be sure to see my blog tomorrow on Survivor : One World Finale Predictions!! I think I'm rooting for Chelsea and Kim!! You''ll see the post tomorrow!!(:

Happy Mother's Day weekend!!(:
Emily :)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Emily Writes!!

Doesn't this look different? This is still Emily's Entertainment, my wonderful readers, it just got a new name and big makeover!! Emily Writes is the newest Emily's Entertainment. I also want to apologize for not blogging in a while, but I've been busy!! Okay, so want to catch up?

While I wasn't blogging (listen to my AMAZING excuse) I was writing a book that is for sale on amazon and the creatspace estore. The experience was incredible and yesterday I actually spoke with two of my best friends, Juliet Metivier and Dominic Tomasi, at the Farmington 5-6 Campus. We talked to some fifth and sixth graders about being young authors and letting them know that writing a book isn't impossible.

What have I been doing? Hmm, I read the amazing book series, "The Hunger Games", which I HIGHLY recommend to everyone. Yes, they're incredibly sad books, yes they're brutal, but yes they are amazing. (And the movie comes out on my birthday) I also entered a writing contest to see the world premiere of the movie, which I'll find out if I've won soon!!

Okay, so if you want to know more about my book go to the facebook page for it "The Baseball Club for Girls" or go to or ask me!! That's enough for one blog post...I don't know what to blog about next so comment and give me some suggestions, please!! Thanks readers!!

Emily :)